Substation 110/10 kV Kličevo (Nikšić 2) and 110 kV underground cable

Substation 110/10 kV Kličevo (Nikšić 2) and 110 kV underground cable

In the winter regimes of peak load, distribution area of Nikšić lacks the sufficient amount of reserves in the transformation to supply power to the narrower urban area, which is the reason for constructing a new substation. Besides, the construction of SS Kličevo and its connection to transmission network will create necessary preconditions for connecting future wind power plants in Krnovo to the electric power system of Montenegro.

The project of the construction of new substation includes the construction of SS 110/10 kV Kličevo in GIS design on the location of the existing SS 35/10 kV Kličevo and connection to 110 kV network by constructing a cable line to the existing SS 110/35 kV Nikšić and connecting to the existing OHL 110(35) kV Nikšić (Kličevo) - Brezna.

Expected benefits from the project are:

  • improving the quality of electricity deliveries;
  • providing conditions for connecting WPP Krnovo to transmission network;
  • reducing losses in transmission and distribution network;
  • increasing capacity in the transformation;
  • safer and reliable power supply of Nikšić area.  

The total estimated value of the project is about 8 million €.

The project is under construction phase and the Contractors are Consortium Novi Volvox, Eminent, Ing Invest, Institut Sigurnost and EuroZox for SS Kličevo and Consortium Bemax, Energomontaža and Institut Sigurnost for 110 kV cable SS Kličevo - SS Nikšić.


The project completion is planned in 2016.