Project: Reconstruction-extension of SS Mojkovac included:
1. Reconstruction of SS Mojkovac- forming basbar system and equipping two line bays, one transformer bay, two metering bays and one section bay 220kV;
2. Construction of connecting overhead line 220 kV (in the length of about 2.5 km);
3. Construction of transposition of 110 kV of overhead line B.Polje-Mojkovac and Kolašin-Mojkovac; and
4. Installation of 110/35 kV transformer, 20 MVA.

Works on the reconstruction of SS Mojkovac, construction of connecting overhead line 220 kV and construction of transposition of 110 kV overhead line B.Polje-Mojkovac and Kolašin-Mojkovac were completed in 2014.
Completion of the project, i.e. installation of an additional transformer 110/35 kV in SS 220/110/35 kV has allowed Mojkovac to have a significantly higher power supply security of consumers (fulfillment of n-1 security criterion) of distribution consumer area of the municipalities of Kolašin and Mojkovac.
Within the implementation of the subproject “Installation of 110/35 kV transformer”, transformer was purchased, building permit was obtained and after revision of the main design in the period August-December 2015 were completed construction and electrical and installation works on the installation of a new transformer 110/35 kV, 20 MVA. Besides, the reconstruction of auxiliary power supply was completed.
Project benefits are:
· upgraded capacity in transformation;
· higher reliability and security of power supply;
· better quality of delivered electricity;
· reduced duration of no-load state.
The total project value is about 3 million euro.
Demanding project was completed as planned during 2016.
After obtaining use permit the project is fully implemented.